Events Calendar

◂  April 2022

O3A Advisory Council meeting

Published by: jtonge


Via Zoom


Jody Moss

O3A’s Advisory Council meets on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 via zoom/conference call due to Covid-19 concerns.  O3A’s volunteer Advisory Council meetings are open to the public, and are scheduled for the third Tuesday of most months.  For meeting info or to participate by phone, contact Jody.  It is O3A’s policy that public meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. If you need assistance to participate in a meeting due to a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act or Washington Law Against Discrimination, please contact O3A’s ADA coordinator Carol Ann Laase at 1-866-720-4863 or email to request an accommodation at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.   To participate in any O3A meeting, please call the office to determine the best means to do so.

Meeting Packet: O3A Advisory Council packet for 4-19-22 meeting

Revised Agenda to add Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program allocations review:

O3A Advisory Council packet for 4-19-22 meeting – Revised 4-13-22

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