Special Opportunities

Older Adult-Health Programs: Become a Trainer!

The Health Programs Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks to award funding to successful applicants to provide Evidence-Based Health Programs to older adults (60+), tribal members (55+) in one or more of the following counties:  Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor and Pacific.

Evidence-Based Health Programs are authorized under Title III D (TIIID) of the Older Americans Act. The purpose of TIIID Health Programs are to reduce illnesses that lower quality of life, drive up health care costs and reduce an older adult’s ability to live independently. Many programs can lower the risk of falling and help manage ongoing physical and mental health.

Evidence-based programs can be offered by anyone!  Online or in-person certification trainings are available.  Please visit the National Council on Aging website to learn more about trainings and evidence-based programs that promote healthy aging and falls prevention:  https://www.ncoa.org/page/healthy-aging-programs/.  For more information, please contact Janis Housden, O3A Contracts & Program Manager, 360-379-5064 or janis.housden@dshs.wa.gov.

Title 3 D RFP

Attach C Funding Workbook