Doug Sheaffer – Pacific County

Learn about Medicare extras

January 30, 2020


By: Doug Sheaffer



A few months ago, I made mention of TV ads ostensibly about Medicare plans. You’ve probably seen them. Some celebrity talking about his Medicare plan covers everything from A to Z, and with no added cost to the premium.

I’ve heard them talk about Medicare paying for transportation, in-home care, dental, vision and someone to mow the lawn. (OK, the lawn piece wasn’t actually promised.)

While at a community meeting today, the topic came up again. A couple points to remember:

  • These ads are referring to a Medicare Advantage Plan, which is a plan that covers Medicare benefits plus add ons. The additional provisions, naturally enough, bring additional costs to the premium.


  • Advantage Plans are NOT available in Pacific County.


And now a note about supplemental/medi-gap plans. These are various Medicare-approved insurance plans designed to pay what Medicare does not. Medicare covers about 80% of your medical. Supplemental plans can cover some or all of the remaining 20%. Now, a couple points to remember regarding these:

  • Supplemental plans do not require waiting for an open enrollment period. They can be changed throughout the year.


  • Although the plans are required to all cover the same areas, premiums and co-pays can differ widely. There are different schedule plans so it pays to explore options.


Lastly, we’re not talking about Medicare prescription coverage in any of these. Medicare Part D requires another insurance choice, and there are options there, also. is a great place to explore options regarding all of this. And unlike climbing through the branches of an ever-growing phone tree, you can go at your own pace. The site is very user-friendly and informative.

Or, you can call any of the numbers at the end of this column and talk to real, live people about Medicare and its mysteries.


Information & Assistance

Long Beach: 360 642 3634/888 571 6558    Raymond: 360 942 2177/888 571 6557