Doug Sheaffer – Pacific County

Conversations lead to help

September 19, 2018


By: Doug Sheaffer



First, just a reminder that the Ocean Beach Hospital Health Festival is on Saturday, September 22nd, from 9-1. Details are posted elsewhere in the paper and there will be many resources represented from a variety of agencies—and live people to talk to.

Now, let’s talk about a couple of help scenarios..

  1. Someone comes in and has concerns for another
  2. Someone comes in and has their own questions
  3. Someone calls and wants information, stating:

I read in a column that..

I heard on the radio show that..

I was at a community event and someone said..

In the first two instances, we’re pretty much where we need to be. Talking about what’s going on.

  1. Who are you worried about? What’re your concerns? Have you spoken with them?
  2. What can we do for you? Can you talk to me about what’s happening?

Regarding #3:  No matter how many columns, radio shows (A Senior Moment, on KMUN) outreaches or community events, program descriptions sometimes only go so far. While we frequently provide written information or refer folks to valuable websites, it can be confusing.

People (all of us) are unique and many times we don’t seem to quite fit into the proper slot. A typical response might be “None of these sound quite like what I need.” I get it.

What really defines a situation isn’t a list of eligibility requirements, nor even a summary of what’s available. What most accurately defines what’s happening in our lives is actual conversation.

And all of this works both ways. A community service worker, neighbor or friend comes to the office and wants to help, but isn’t sure where to even start. We don’t know what we don’t know, right?

We can—and most likely will—send information, and/or refer to other resources to make sure all the bases are covered. However, as we talk, we can begin to see a possible starting point that hopefully begins and ends with..yep, conversation.


Information & Assistance

Long Beach: 642 3634/888  571 6558    Raymond: 642 2177/888 571 6557