Doug Sheaffer – Pacific County

Entertainment- old and new- is readily available

April 21, 2020


By: Doug Sheaffer



So how are we all doing out there? Driving into work (we’re considered “essential”), is reminiscent of winter on the peninsula years ago—not many cars, few people.

And that’s a good thing because it seems to be working. COVID 19 cases are in many places decreasing.

People do care about other people—even when it makes times tough economically.

No doubt most of us have seen on TV and/or social media examples of what people are doing while staying in place. For a lot of us, finding creative ways to entertain ourselves without actual face to face contact can be a challenge—and an opportunity to be creative.

Just hitting google with “stay in place activities” or any variant of this, brings-up lots of ideas, usually concerning families. (I might add unless you’re a fan of the movie, googling “home alone” may not work for you.)

On line, it’s surprising what even a quick search will produce. There are video travels of parks, live cams of zoos, and of course just general information searching.

OK, but what about people who aren’t in place with others? Or those for whom this is just a continuance of isolation, but with a threat of infection attached? Fear and isolation are often travelling companions, and sometimes when you feel least like reaching out, it’s the right time to do so.

Pacific County Public Health & Human Services has circulated a flyer that might be helpful, and it doesn’t have to involve a crisis. One of the numbers listed is called “Warm Line” (1 800 698 2392) and it asks “Just need to talk about things you are feeling?” Might be a good resource if anxiety is creeping in.

Back to activities–No computer? Phone calls still work and yes, it’s possible to engage over a regular phone even without face time, skype, WhatsApp, etc. How about writing letters? I understand the Post Office is still working.

Remember books—I mean the ones you can actually hold? When’s the last time you read an old favorite? Or even read the last book you obtained, but didn’t seem to have the time to read?

Puzzles. Again, I mean the ones with physical pieces you actually hold and place by hand?

Do you receive newspapers? Most of them have some sort of puzzle in them and it’s a good way to keep your mind active even without self-quarantine.

I’m beginning to sound like one of those “good ol’ days” pieces that begin “Remember when?” I do think it’s good from time to time to realize that simply because most of the news, information, etc are electronically obtained, entertainment is where you find it.

We will get through all this. In the meantime, rediscovering how to live with ourselves can be a renewed journey.


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